On the day


There's a lot involved in your graduation day. Here’s what you need to know to make sure you’re in the right place at the right time.

Read the instructions and check out our walkthrough video on TikTok to familairise yourself with what you need to do on the day. 

Before you set off, make sure you have your email confirmation for your graduation registration (either printed or on your device) - you’ll need this to register when you arrive on campus and collect your guest tickets. 

Make sure you also have the order number for your academic dress hire and to collect your hired items too. 

Please note: All confirmation emails will be sent out onThursday, 4 July 2024.

The first thing to do on the day of your graduation is to go to the registration desk at University Place. Here you will register and collect your guest tickets (maximum 2) and seat number. You cannot collect tickets or register more than 2 hours before your assigned ceremony. 

Once you have registered make your way to robing to collect your cap and gown, and have your official photograph taken. 

Please Note: Registration opens 2 hours before each ceremony. 

Once you're dressed in your robes, you and your guests should make your way over to Whitworth Hall at least 45 minutes before the start of your ceremony. This is to make sure we can get everyone in the right seats and make a prompt start. 

There are different entrances for graduands and guests, as well as an accessible entrance. These entrances will be clearly marked. You should wait in the Main Quad (through the archway) until you're called by a steward to enter the hall. Please remember to give your guests their tickets, as they will need these to enter the hall from their separate entrance.  

You'll be given a seat number from the registration desk in University Place - it's really important that you sit in the right seat, as this is in the order that names are called. 

The congregation will stand as the procession makes its way to the stage in the Hall, where the Presiding Officer will open the ceremony. University staff members will then deliver their speeches.  

During the ceremony, you'll be called to move towards the stage by a steward in the order that names will be called and your award presented.  If you have requested for a different name to be called out to the one that will appear on your certificate, then this will be honoured.  If you haven’t, but wish for your preferred name to be used, please refer to this page. 

When your name is called, you'll go up the stairs at the side of the stage, cross the stage and doff your cap or bow to the Presiding officer of the Ceremony, and then leave the stage using the central steps before returning to your seat. Don't forget to pick up your degree certificate at the bottom of the steps.  
The ceremonies usually last between 45 minutes to an hour.

The Presiding Officer will close the ceremony and you’ll be asked to stand as the Academic Procession leaves the Hall and you will then follow out in the procession. You will be directed out of the Whitworth Hall and you can make your way out to the Main Quad, where you can meet your guests, take photos, and congratulate friends, before continuing with the rest of your celebrations in the marquee next to University Place. 

You must remember to return your cap and gown after your ceremony.  

Not sure where you need to be on the day? Take a look at our map below. You can also view accessibility information here for University Place and Whitworth Hall. 

Watch the ceremonies live

Live screening on campus: 

Any additional guests you bring without a ticket can watch a live screening of the ceremony at Lecture Theatre B in University Place. 

Watch online:

All our graduation ceremonies are streamed live online - perfect if you, your friends or family can't make it to Manchester. If you are bringing additional guests on campus without guest tickets, they will be able to watch a live screening of the ceremony at Lecture Theatre B in University Place. 

Streaming starts at the beginning of the first ceremony. The player will automatically adjust the video quality to suit your connection speed. You can adjust the quality using the "HD" button in the player's toolbar while the video is playing.

Watch the ceremonies live here