Preparing to graduate


Your graduation ceremony is an official celebration of all your accomplishments during your time at Manchester. Find out what you need to do to get prepared ahead of the big day!

If you’re attending your ceremony

To be awarded your degree and attend graduation, there are some steps you must take: 

1. Clear any outstanding tuition fee debt

It is our policy that degrees will not be awarded to anyone who has a tuition fee debt outstanding to the University. 

If you owe tuition fee debts to the University, these must be settled. If you settle any debt after Friday, 28 June 2024, your name will not appear in the digital programme. If you are unsure what debts you owe to the University, email the Credit Control Team on as soon as possible. 

2. Decide how you want your personal information to be used

Graduation programme: If you don’t want your name and award (classifications are not included) to be included, please let us know by emailing using ‘Graduation programme’ in the email subject line.

Third party verifications: Your degree information will also be shared with Higher Education Degree Datacheck (HEDD). HEDD is the UK’s verification service and is managed by Jisc. This lets potential employers verify your results online. The information stored about you in the HEDD database can only be accessed with express written permission from you each time. The data is not just accessible to anybody at any time. 

Email Student Services on to ask about the process of removing your qualification from HEDD. We advise against this because it might increase the time it takes to verify your result during employment screening or by other universities. 

It is important that you (and any guests who are considering attending a graduation ceremony) are aware that the University is not responsible for any wasted costs/expenses incurred (for example, travel and accommodation costs) in circumstances where you are ineligible to graduate or where you/they are unable to attend for any other reasons.

Important information for Postgraduate Research students: Students currently Active in the Programme are welcome to register for the ceremony. However, to attend, the degree needs to be fully awarded by 28 June 2024 (you need to receive an official award/completion letter from the Doctoral Academy by this date). If you have any questions about your examination, please check your Doctoral Academy website thesis submission section.

You must check and confirm your personal information in the Student System.

We will use your full name, exactly as it is in the Student System. You can view your full name when you login to register your choice to attend or not attend the ceremony here, this name will be printed on your degree certificate. Registration will open on Monday, 15 April 2024 and close on Friday, 28 June 2024.  

We also need your correct home address to send in case we need to send you your certificate.  

You might also need to contact your Student Support Hub or Doctoral Academy about updating your name or other details. Details not updated before Friday, 28 June 2024 could mean that you will need to purchase a replacement degree certificate. 

How does my name appear on my certificate?

Your full legal name as recorded on your student record. You can view your full name please login to your student record. Go to Student Centre and navigate to the following 'Self-Service' > 'Degree Progress / Graduation' > 'Attend Graduation Ceremony'. 

Names on certificates are only printed on documents in the order of First Name/s, Middle Name/s, Surname/s. The order of names cannot be amended, unless it has been recorded on the system in error. 

How can I change / update my name?

If your name has 1 or 2 letters that have been mixed up or missing on your student record, please submit an enquiry form explaining the error and provide the correct spelling of your full name to get it updated.  

Legal name change:If part of your name is fully missing or has an incorrect family name due to marriage etc. you will need to send official documents (Wedding certificate / Passport / Change of Name Deeds) as proof in order to get your name updated. Please e-mail your documents to your explaining these changes. Please name the subject of your email ‘Name Update for July Graduation’. 

Preferred names: We are committed to providing a supportive environment for everyone during their ceremony.  Some students, for example those who present in a different gender but are not able or do not wish to change their name legally, may request that their preferred name be used by submitting this information in the survey attached to your invitation e-mail by Friday, 28 June 2024.  

Please note: A degree certificate is a legal document. The name that appears on the degree certificate is the legal name of the individual at the time the certificate is issued.  

Name pronunciation:If you think your name could be mispronounced at your ceremony, you have the option to complete a name pronunciation form - this will be found in your invitation to register e-mail. These will be given to the presenters ahead of the ceremony to assistin calling your name to the stage.  

Regardless of whether you wish to attend or not, you must notify us of your decision and update your personal details If you are attending in-person, choosing to graduate in absentia or deferring, please register online in the Student System to confirm your choice. 

Please note, registration will open on Monday, 15 April 2024 and will close on Friday, 28 June 2024.  

Once booking is open you should also pre-order your gown online through Ede and Ravenscroftbefore Monday, 24 June 2024. 

If you are planning on graduating in absentia, or deferring your ceremony, you must also let us know using the Student System registration form. 

If you have lost IT access following completion of your course, you should go to 

Access for disabled students/ guests: When you register, please let us know if you or your guests have any access requirements so we can make arrangements to ensure your ceremony goes smoothly. For example, there is a lift to access the stage at graduation ceremonies but we need to be aware when it's required. Please fill in the 'accessibility requirements' section of the graduation registration if you have any requirements such as: 

  • Wheelchair access 
  • Guide or assistance dog 
  • Temporary physical disability (e.g. broken leg) 
  • Other individual needs or access requirements 

Everyone who has completed registration is guaranteed two guest tickets, these must be requested through the Student System when you register your intention to graduate. Please note, there are separate instructions for Global MBA Students which will be emailed to you. 

No further tickets will be allocated prior to the ceremonies, however there will be a chance to watch a live screening on campus. In the event that there are any additional tickets available for your ceremony, these will be allocated on a ‘first come first served’ basis on the day when registration opens for your ceremony. 

You will receive an email confirming your registration on Thursday, 4 July 2024. You will need to show this email at the registration desk, University Place (37 on the campus map) when collecting your tickets on the day of your ceremony, so make sure you bring it with you on the day.  

Please note: You cannot collect tickets or register more than 2 hours before your ceremony. 

You must wear official academic dress (a gown, hood and cap) to your ceremony. You should book these online through the University preferred supplier, Ede and Ravenscroft or call them on +44 (0)1223 861854 before Monday, 24 June 2024.   

The cost of online gown hire from Ede & Ravenscroft is £42 for a Bachelor and Masters gown and £56 for a Doctoral gown.

If you forget to pre-order your gown, the hire cost on the day will be higher than the prices above.

Collecting your robes: Your hired academic dress will be available from the Robing area in University Place. You can collect your items up to two hours before your graduation ceremony.  

You must have your order number to collect your items. Make sure you keep your name label and pin, for returning your items after the ceremony. 

Returning your robes: You must return all hired items to where you collected them after your ceremony (unless you have paid to keep your gown for an extra week). 

What to wear with your academic dress: Your clothes will still be clearly visible under your gown. We expect that everyone will dress formally, as is appropriate to the occasion, and dress for warm weather in the summer months. You may find it useful to bring hair pins to hold your hat in place (if you have long hair), and a safety pin for your hood. 

Please note: We request that you don't throw mortarboards for photos etc. - you may damage them, and unfortunately, we have had some injuries in the past caused by flying mortarboards!

Preferential rates at our on-campus hotel available for your graduation celebrations:

Hyatt Regency Manchester is a 4-star modern hotel set at the heart of our campus – the perfect location if you or your family are visiting the city to celebrate your graduation this summer.

To book, visit Hyatt Regency. Click on 'Book Now'; in 'Special Rate' choose 'Corporate Code'. Our code is 138884.
For individual bookings for Hyatt House please email reservations or call +44 161 359 5556 and quote The University of Manchester.

Global MBA students:

Please note that Global MBA students will receive separate communication by email providing information for you to register to attend. Please do not try and register for graduation using the link on the graduation website as you will not be able to do so. 

You can check that your name and home address is correct here. If this link does not work or you receive an error message, please try clearing your cache or using another browser. We have found that this usually helps to fix the problem: 

  • Once you have logged in, please select 'Self Service'. 

  • Under the ‘Campus Personal information’ section, check that your name, mailing address and personal email address listed are all correct and up to date. 

If you need to change your name, please email with a scanned copy of your passport/legal documentation and we will update this for you.

If you can't attend

If you’re unable to attend your ceremony for whatever reason, there's still a few steps you need to complete. You'll need to let us know you're not attending so we can make sure you recieve your certificate.

If you are unable to attend your graduation ceremony you can choose to either graduate in absentia, or defer your ceremony for up to one year. You still need to register your choice and you can select to do either of these online when you receive your email inviting you to register.

Graduating in absentia means you will receive your award but not attend the ceremony. If you choose to graduate in absentia, you will not be able to attend a ceremony at a later date. Alternatively, if you are unable to attend your graduation but still may want to attend in the future, you can defer your ceremony for up to one year. 

If you are not attending or wishing to defer, you should confirm in the Student Systemby Friday, 28 June 2024, and ensure your details are up to date (home address, email address, name). 

If you are graduating in absentia, we can post your certificate to your home address. You will need to register your intention of attending or not attending in order to receive your certificate. Please make sure that your address is correct and up to date on your student record if you choose this option.  

You must ensure your home address and name (see guidance below) are fully updated no later than Friday, 28 June 2024 - no amendments can be made after this date. You can find details on how to update your personal details under the 'Confirm my personal details' section above.  

You will receive your certificate no later thanFriday, 30August 2024– please do not contact Student Services regarding non-receipt of certificates until after the above date has passed. 

If you do not complete the graduation registration process, your certificate will not be sent automatically.  You will have 12 months from the date registration closes on Friday, 28 June 2024 to request a physical copy of your certificate.  This can be requested by contacting Student Services on 

I have an outstanding tuition fee debt: It is our policy that degrees will not be awarded to anyone who has a tuition fee debt outstanding to the University. 

If you owe tuition fee debts to the University, these must be settled by Friday, 28 June 2024. If you settle any debt after this date, your name will not appear in the digital programme. If you are unsure what debts you owe to the University, email the Credit Control Team on as soon as possible. 

A pre-departure photography event has been organised to allow students who have been invited to the July 2024 Graduation Ceremonies, but cannot attend, to have professional photographs taken in official University of Manchester academic robes. For those who indicate, when completing registration, that they cannot attend the July ceremonies, The University will send an invite to this pre departure event.